The individual who keeps everything running smoothly is our Manager, Tony. He is the go-to for any question and he keeps everything very organized. With an Associate’s Degree in Mathematics and a Bachelors’s Degree in Business, Tony is a well-balanced manager with great ideas and a light-hearted management style that is rewarding for everyone around.
Kava Depot has an amazing in-house Chemist that makes so many projects possible. Kristl is an alumnus of Aurora University in Illinois, double majoring in Chemistry & Biology. She has over 20 years of laboratory experience, working with a multitude of analyses and research of products. When she isn’t busy analyzing new batches of kava or other samples sent to us for testing, she is working hands-on with our kava-based products such as those in our Bula King line
The individual responsible for the magic behind the screen is Michael, our head of Marketing and IT. Michael is responsible for our social media accounts, product packaging, website maintenance, and other digital materials.
The main component of the Kava Depot workflow is the production team, the talented people who process our kava. Led by Jonathan, our team spends their days in lab coats and earmuffs processing the kava roots and chips into a fine powder for your easy consumption.